After a brief delay thanks to work roadies to Miami and Chicago, I finally got a chance to knock out some of the photos from the past couple weeks. Good news is, between this post and the next Photo-a-Day weekly recap, there will be plenty of Miami and Chicago to go round. Enjoy!

19-FEB-2013: I was putting away laundry when this image in my sock drawer caught my eye.

20-FEB-2013: Late-night self-portrait in the bathroom mirror.

21-FEB-2013: Waiting on a Metro train on a Thursday afternoon after meeting with my USC Annenberg mentee.

22-FEB-2013: Packing time, as we prepped to head on the road for nine of the next 11 nights.

23-FEB-2013: Chris, Jeff and Eric, looking vaguely comfortable at LIV nightclub in Miami Beach.

24-FEB-2013: The green tint on this poolside sky shot reminds me of the look of an old “Miami Vice” episode.

25-FEB-2013: No that’s not a vignette around the edges of the image. It’s actual steam on the lens of the camera from the humidity in Miami Beach.