I’m happy to report that this post (finally) wraps up my Photo-A-Day project from 2013! It only took me almost an entire year after 2013’s completion to get it done — but done it is. Week 52 is actually a nine-day stretch from Dec. 23-31. If you’ve traveled this long pictorial road with me, thank you. Hopefully it was enjoyable — I know I enjoyed living it! Finally — and for the last time — to see any of the images here (or in any of the Photo-A-Day posts) at full size, simply click right on it.
Tag Archives: D40
Photo-A-Day 2013: Week 51
By the end of the week of Dec. 16-22, not only would I have arrived in Boston for the holidays, but I’d also be engaged. So, for a week that started out relatively quietly around the house, things got pretty exciting. Let’s take a look at the images (and remember, to see any image at full size, simply click on it)!
Photo-A-Day 2013: Week 50
The week of Dec. 9-15 started with a business trip to frigid New York and ended at a glorious Sunday afternoon event at the Los Angeles State Historic Park, just north of downtown L.A. In between, there was plenty of holiday celebrating! Let’s take a look at the images.

10-DEC-2013: Some great industry folks rocking out onstage at an after-party following our annual NYC Winter Bash.