The week started with the last full day in Maui. It was such a great trip to Hawaii, one of those “never want to leave” visits. After that, the week of Sept. 2-8 normalized, as it was time to get back into the swing of work — and USC football season. Let’s take a look at the images (and, remember, to see full-sized versions, just click directly on any image).

2-SEP-2013: The view from the table at Pacific’O on the final evening in Maui.

3-SEP-2013: Just perfection on the last morning on the beach before heading back to the mainland.

4-SEP-2013: Some of the Hawaiian spoils and souvenirs brought home for family and friends.

5-SEP-2013: The sure sign of the arrival of football season — a recently purchased stack of foam coolers for USC tailgates.

6-SEP-2013: Nothing like summer nights at the Hollywood Bowl.

7-SEP-2013: The TMB’s first on-campus pregame show is special each season.

8-SEP-2013: Sunday night was a perfect time to settle in and order a pie.