I’m happy to report that this post (finally) wraps up my Photo-A-Day project from 2013! It only took me almost an entire year after 2013’s completion to get it done — but done it is. Week 52 is actually a nine-day stretch from Dec. 23-31. If you’ve traveled this long pictorial road with me, thank you. Hopefully it was enjoyable — I know I enjoyed living it! Finally — and for the last time — to see any of the images here (or in any of the Photo-A-Day posts) at full size, simply click right on it.
Tag Archives: DTLA
Photo-A-Day 2013: Week 47
Three arenas. One college basketball game. One NHL hockey game. One NBA basketball game. One rock show. Let’s look at the week of Nov. 18-24. For the full-size version of any image, just click on it!
Photo-A-Day 2013: Week 44
Sweet potato chips and Jack-O-Lanterns and Disneyland … oh my! Here’s the week that was Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2013! Remember, to see any image at its full size, just click on it!

29-OCT-2013: An interesting inside-out image of a fleur-de-lis on a glass.