The holidays moved into full swing during the week of Dec. 2-8. Between decorating around the house and industry holiday events, there was plenty of “festive” to go around. Remember, to see any image at full size, just click on it!
2-DEC-2013: The tree is up!
3-DEC-2013: Going to see a few tree images this week.
4-DEC-2013: The George Tirebiter statue on the USC campus.
5-DEC-2013: Industry holiday party time means plenty of BIG smiles and silly hats.
6-DEC-2013: Ok, last glamour shot of a tree … for this week.
7-DEC-2013: Thanks to my dad and step-mom, this incredible (and growing) display is possible every holiday season.
8-DEC-2013: About four weeks ago, I had an excellent shot of an Omar Oraby dunk at the other end. This time, he’s dropping one on Boston College. Pe’Shon Howard (far left) seems to enjoy it.