A business trip to New York City dominated the weekdays of mid-June on my calendar, with both business and the city highlighted in the images of the week. Let’s take a look at June 10-16.
10-JUN-2013: A view of Manhattan on a rainy Monday evening from my hotel room window.
11-JUN-2013: It’s part of the job, taking these group pix at industry parties. This octet was just perfectly *random* enough to feature here.
12-JUN-2013: One of my favorite images of the year, the new One World Trade Center in NYC. Where does the sky end? Where do the buildings begin?
13-JUN-2013: Came into the week with a rainy picture of NY looking out the hotel room window. Closing out the visit with a late-night picture of rain ON the hotel room window.
14-JUN-2013: The week’s reading material on my biz trip being unpacked. Really digging this book of interesting tidbits.
15-JUN-2013: A pleasant Saturday evening for a pitcher of hefeweizen at the Glendale-based brewery.
16-JUN-2013: This incredible miniature room (probably measuring 15-20 inches tall and 3-5 feet wide) is from “2001: A Space Odyssey” and was part of the Kubrick Exhibit at LACMA.