Yep, we headed for Hawaii on Wednesday. Pretty much all you need to know about the week of Aug. 26-Sept. 1 — though I did capture one helluva sunset at Dodger Stadium before we headed for the islands. Without further ado, let’s get to the images (and, remember, to see full-sized versions, just click directly on any image).

26-AUG-2013: The sunset of the season at Dodger Stadium.

27-AUG-2013: Laying out the kukui nuts while packing for this week’s trip.

28-AUG-2013: So many places to go at the Hilton Hawaiian Village on Waikiki Beach.

29-AUG-2013: Love this image of the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor, with the surf spraying off the seawall in the foreground.

30-AUG-2013: Not many things better than a Maui sunset.

31-AUG-2013: Maui’s southeast coast at Ohe’o Gulch, AKA the Seven Sacred Pools.

1-SEP-2013: The view while reclined on a chaise lounge poolside at the Westin Ka’anapali.