More travel was on tap for the week of Aug. 12-18: a weekend visit with friends in Virginia Beach. Let’s get to the week’s images. (Remember, if you want to see any image at full size, just click on it!)

12-AUG-2013: I was sitting around the house when I noticed what an odd thing trophy toppers are. #HoopItUp

13-AUG-2013: The Cool-A-Coo. Victory.

14-AUG-2013: As the summer went on, this became a very familiar scene.

15-AUG-2013: Welcome to Virginia Beach.

16-AUG-2013: A bird looks for treasure in the salty sands of Virginia Beach.

17-AUG-2013: “I see you rolled your way into the semis. Dios mio, man. Liam and me, we’re gonna fuck you up.” Norfolk, Virginia, y’all.

18-AUG-2013: Interesting ceiling and lighting at JFK’s American Airlines terminal in New York.