Sweet potato chips and Jack-O-Lanterns and Disneyland … oh my! Here’s the week that was Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2013! Remember, to see any image at its full size, just click on it!

29-OCT-2013: An interesting inside-out image of a fleur-de-lis on a glass.
Sweet potato chips and Jack-O-Lanterns and Disneyland … oh my! Here’s the week that was Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2013! Remember, to see any image at its full size, just click on it!
29-OCT-2013: An interesting inside-out image of a fleur-de-lis on a glass.
The week of Oct. 21-27 was spent in and around L.A., but that doesn’t mean there weren’t some activities — like an industry networking event and another USC tailgate. As we turn the corner into the last 10 weeks of the Photo-A-Day 2013 project, let’s take a look at the images!