Sweet potato chips and Jack-O-Lanterns and Disneyland … oh my! Here’s the week that was Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2013! Remember, to see any image at its full size, just click on it!

29-OCT-2013: An interesting inside-out image of a fleur-de-lis on a glass.
Sweet potato chips and Jack-O-Lanterns and Disneyland … oh my! Here’s the week that was Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2013! Remember, to see any image at its full size, just click on it!
29-OCT-2013: An interesting inside-out image of a fleur-de-lis on a glass.
The week of Oct. 21-27 was spent in and around L.A., but that doesn’t mean there weren’t some activities — like an industry networking event and another USC tailgate. As we turn the corner into the last 10 weeks of the Photo-A-Day 2013 project, let’s take a look at the images!
And with a much quicker turnaround, it’s a recap of the #LOTD2013 project from last October. Some good tracks in here, and many related to the actual goings on in my day-to-day life. Find the Spotify playlist I’ve created from these lyrics linked at the end of the post or on the clickable image at right, with some brief explanations (in italics) for a number of the lyrics. Remember, if you want to see the lyrics as they pop up daily, just give me a follow on Twitter!
Here’s the Spotify playlist if you’d like to listen along: #LOTD2013: October