Ah, a week at home. And a Dodger homestand to boot. Not just any Dodger homestand, but the one that turned around what had been a dismal 2013 season. Let’s take a look at the week that was June 24-30.

24-JUN-2013: With the 30-game ticket plan we snagged for this season, this Dodger Stadium view is one of the defining ones for my summer of 2013.

25-JUN-2013: A packed RF pavilion for Dodgers-Giants, moments before Hanley Ramirez (on the scoreboard) pounded a tie-breaking 2-run HR.

26-JUN-2013: Love the colors and visible heat of this dinner prep image.

27-JUN-2013: The week the Dodger season changed. And this, perhaps, the key moment: Yasiel Puig’s 2-run single before a standing, sellout crowd lifts LA into a lead over the Phils they wouldn’t relinquish.

28-JUN-2013: Love this shot behind the St. Felix on Cahuenga in Hollywood.

29-JUN-2013: After a quick shopping excursion, the home office desk is finally fully functional.

30-JUN-2013: Interesting angles in the 7th Street Metro station, shot between stairwells from the lower Red/Purple Line platform up toward the Expo/Blue Line balcony.